Not too long ago, I shared my home with four wonderful Golden Retrievers and frequently, my “fifth daughter”, a very laughable Labrador Retriever named Sula who likes to come for sleepovers. Sadly, two of my Goldens, Harley and Lizzie, have gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Of the two remaining, the oldest is Bluz who will be twelve in May. I got Bluz when she was only five weeks old and she has always been perfect. The youngest, Rozie, will be seven in July. Rozie was only four or five months old when she came to live with us after she was thrown from a moving car. From the beginning, I anticipated behavioral problems. Why else would a person toss a dog out of a car? To this day, her only bad habit is that she must put her foot in the water dish when getting a drink. I don’t know if she thinks she is holding the dish down or if she just enjoys having one wet foot. I do know that one corner of my kitchen floor is always wet and as soon as I clean it up, she is thirsty again.
That puppy looks a lot like one I know!!!!