Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Thanks a Latte'
I love word phrases that you can pronounce in such a way as to change the meaning of the words. Such is the case with today’s card. If you look closely, that is real coffee in the window. Something fun!Thanks for looking.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Elgin Park, Pennsylvania
If you enjoy miniatures, you need to visit Elgin Park, Pennsylvania, the Perfect Town. Elgin Park is not a real place but photographs of “scale models of everyday scenes from mid-20th century America” that Michael Paul Smith has been building for over 25 years. I heard about his model making while watching our local news and I was hooked. I found it by typing “Elgin Park” into the search engine. I wish I knew how to include the link in this post for you but, so far, I haven’t figure out how to accomplish this feat.
Today’s card is something Mr. Smith could place into one of the many houses he has built. You really need to visit his website and walk down memory lane.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Fishy, Fishy in the Sea
I was never a good student when I attended school. Recess, the bus ride and later, (or maybe not) the boys were my favorites. So it surprises me when I feel compelled to research images I use in my cards. Today is no different.
As either a child or an adult, most folks have shared their home with a variety of creatures such as these two goldfish swimming in their bowl. But did you know they have an amazing story that can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Goldfish are one of the earliest fish to be domesticated (who knew they could cook and clean) and that they are members of the carp family. In the best of conditions, a goldfish can grow to 23 inches, weigh in at 9.9 pounds and live as long as 40 years! Goldfish have a memory span of at least three months and over time, they learn to associate their owners with food and yes, beg! So there you have it, enjoy the card.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Operation Write Home
Today I am sending birthday wishes to Sandy Allnock, President of Operation Write Home. Operation Write Home sends blank greeting cards to our nation’s armed forces deployed overseas to write home as well as cards of gratitude to encourage them. To date, 359,659 cards have been sent to heroes. This week 13 boxes containing 325 to 350 cards in each box were sent. The cards must be handmade and contain no glitter inasmuch as glitter can flake off making heroes visible at night. I am very proud to participate in this organization and if you would like to learn more about them or play a part in click on “Operation Write Home” on my sideboard. So, Sandy, happy birthday, and thanks for all you do!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Funny Bone
Today’s card tickles my funny bone. Apparently, I must have a long funny bone inasmuch as I prefer the humorous side of life. The only time my cup is half empty is when I am thinking of the gas tank in my car and that is only because if I thought of it as being half full, I would forget it and run out of gas. I always think on the positive side of life and I am always looking for the silver lining in any clouds overhead. Some people might describe me as living with my head in the sand and to them I say what? I can’t hear you, I’ve got my head in sand looking for garnets and other gemstones that exist in some sand deposits.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Thank You For Always Being By My Side
My brain is starting to come out of the fog from the lost of my sweet beautiful Bluz. My family and friends have rallied around me knowing the devastation her death has caused. My remaining golden, Rozie, is struggling as well. In less then 18 months, we have gone from a household of four golden retrievers to one. Needless to say, Rozie is very lonely. I can be her human, we can play fetch, go for walks and car rides, but I cannot replace the love and comfort one golden gives to another. One of the things I realized I had not done was to send a thank you card to Bob for getting us to the vet and then staying with Bluz when she drew her last breath, and to his wife, Lynn, for being there for me and for Rozie. Over the past forty plus years, this is not the first time they have had to rescue me. So in recognition to Lynn and Bob for their never-ending support, I give you this card. The inside makes the perfect statement. “Thank you for always being by my side.”
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Today is an important day for my brother. It is the “9th remembrance of the 29th anniversary of his 29th birthday”! My brother is very sensitive about his age (women aren’t as bad as he is) and you will be corrected immediately if you wish him a happy birthday. So respecting his wishes, here is his “remembrance” card.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Over the Fence
Every breed of dog has a job assignment in life regardless of their size or shape. Even though Golden Retrievers were originally bred to retrieve game, I am convinced that a golden’s true job and passion is to welcome each and every human and make them feel loved. One of the ways a golden will show its affection is through its nonstop wagging tail. Wagging of one’s tail makes one very tired, which explains the need for frequent naps.
There is an alley that runs adjacent to our backyard. While school is in session, it is quiet but once school is over for the day, the alley becomes a great place to ride bikes. When my golden, Rozie, sees someone, she runs as fast as she can to the fence and jumps up and barks and barks as if to say “Hey, hey, stop. I’m here, please stop, please pet me, I’ll give you lots of kisses. I want to be your friend, I need to be your friend,” (keep in mind that the kids are on bikes so they may pass by ten times in just a few minutes). Rozie’s speak is actually loud barking and I think she scares the kids. I keep telling her to stop barking, she’s scaring people, but she just wags her tail telling me I’m wrong and gives me that sweet smile only a golden can give. You would think after living with me for six years, she would know who is right. Although the dog in this card is not a golden, it will give you an idea of what the kids see instead of my loveable golden trying to be their friend.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Its Official
Its official! Spring has arrived and once again we are in store for another beautiful day. But hold on, I spoke with my brother in Boulder, Colorado, last evening and he reported seventeen inches of fresh snow and it was still falling! By my way of thinking seventeen inches of snow in his backyard is not a problem for me, but seventeen inches in my backyard, no way. Unfortunately, the weather system carrying the snow is headed our way. Let’s hope that it is the onion snow and only seventeen snowflakes arrive.
Because of the recent beautiful weather, I would be remiss if I did not post a public service reminder to remind all to use sunscreen. Remember years ago the billboards with the little towheaded girl and the dog grabbing her bathing suit bottom, well, here she is all grown up.
Because of the recent beautiful weather, I would be remiss if I did not post a public service reminder to remind all to use sunscreen. Remember years ago the billboards with the little towheaded girl and the dog grabbing her bathing suit bottom, well, here she is all grown up.
Friday, March 19, 2010
My good friend, Judy, celebrates another birthday today. Like the rest of us, she is surprised how high the number is that she has now become. In honor of her birthday, I share this card with you. It’s a fairly simple card with birthday wishes and balloons. Speaking of balloons, did you know that balloons were first introduced by a priest in 1709, more than 300 years ago. Balloons are great to use to celebrate birthdays, but the simple balloon has many agendas. Balloons are now used in medicine, weather satellites, espionage, advertising, research, and tires, just to name a few. For today, its use is just plain fun. Happy Birthday Judy!!!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Up, Up and a Way
Today is absolutely splendid. The sky has just the right amount of clouds that makes you want to give yourself a hug, take a deep breath and appreciate all the goodness of nature. The backyard is coming alive with bulbs pushing up their buds getting ready to share the beauty within them. I have been gifted with a deep purple crocus a silly squirrel planted in the front yard then forgot. Nice surprise for me. The birds are busy preparing their nests for new offsprings. In Central Pennsylvania, we have to wait until Mother’s Day when the danger of frost has passed to plant annuals besides, we haven’t had our onion snow. I’m certain that mother nature is teasing us. Even so, today would be a good day to board a hot air balloon and soar.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Spring Friends

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
For the Love of a Golden

In memory of Bluz I post this card today. It reminds me of her when she was a silly little puppy anxious to love and be loved. I love you Bluz. Life won’t be the same without you.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Dirt Be Gone!
I have four absolutely beautiful granddaughters, Shauntelle, Chelsea, Graci and Kayla. Shauntelle is a college student, Chelsea is a high school senior, and Graci and Kayla are four-year old twins. Graci and Kayla are about as opposite as you can get but, they both love to help regardless of the task, even being my spotters, and very good spotters, when I do my “labor of love” – picking up the love droppings the goldens leave in the yard. The twins have their very own set of lime green work gloves, too cute! I have small brooms, leftover from when their mamma, Aunt Johnna and Aunt Alecia, were little girls they like to use. I don’t think any of the girls ever got this dirty, at least not sweeping my house; nevertheless, the card does remind me of them.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Cuppa Sunshine
After such a rainy day yesterday and more showers predicted for today, we all need a little sunshine. If you know me, you know that’s not coffee in my cup!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Special Birthday

I wanted to do something very special for her birthday. Since I am unsure as to what she wants or has, money is the best choice. But I didn’t want to just put cash in a card and be done with it. Special birthday, special card and here it is, the outside and the inside. Hope you like it.
Thanks for looking.
Friday, March 12, 2010

I don’t have a picture of a Three Sisters Garden but without naming names – you know who you are, here are two sisters.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Seems to me a dandelion is a weed that everyone works to keep out of their yards. My late grandfather, a professional florist, once told me that a rose in a field of dandelions is a weed. I think he was trying to tell me that it all depends on how we look at things. You know, one man's junk is another man's treasure.
I am showing you two versions of a stamp of dandelions once they have gone to seed. Remember the kind you picked as a child and blew on while making a wish. I always think of my grandfather when I see a dandelion.
Thanks for looking.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Mrs. Potts Teapot and Cup

So here is Kathy’s reminder of Disney’s Mrs. Potts Teapot and Cup.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Signs of Spring
The daisy I am sharing with you today was heat embossed and then painted with bleach. I love the results.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Snail Mail
I personally love email, such an easy way to keep in touch with friends and family. However, there are still times when “snail mail” makes a better impact.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Great Saturday
What a wonderful day to be in Pennsylvania! The sky is the most beautiful shade of blue and not one cloud. Central Pennsylvania has been living with a rumor of 30-40 inches of snow forecasted by an amateur for this weekend. I just don’t see it happening.
My good friend and I spent a great day together. It’s a special day and we’ve been sharing this day for several years now. We start the morning, 7:45, with a mammogram and then shopping, shopping, more shopping and lunch. Makes having a mammogram much easier when having fun with a good friend afterwards.
And this little chick is ready to go shopping. Love her purse and high heels. She’s just fun!

Friday, March 5, 2010
Best Birthday Fishes
Every time I turn around there is another birthday to remember. One birthday every five years would be good enough for me (note to kids: you can still send me presents). I do love sending birthday cards and this month I have several important birthdays among my family and friends. So with that in mind, I present “Best Birthday Fishes”.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Humans' Best Friend

Not too long ago, I shared my home with four wonderful Golden Retrievers and frequently, my “fifth daughter”, a very laughable Labrador Retriever named Sula who likes to come for sleepovers. Sadly, two of my Goldens, Harley and Lizzie, have gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Of the two remaining, the oldest is Bluz who will be twelve in May. I got Bluz when she was only five weeks old and she has always been perfect. The youngest, Rozie, will be seven in July. Rozie was only four or five months old when she came to live with us after she was thrown from a moving car. From the beginning, I anticipated behavioral problems. Why else would a person toss a dog out of a car? To this day, her only bad habit is that she must put her foot in the water dish when getting a drink. I don’t know if she thinks she is holding the dish down or if she just enjoys having one wet foot. I do know that one corner of my kitchen floor is always wet and as soon as I clean it up, she is thirsty again.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Mom and Dad's Anniversary

On a side note, yesterday I found daffodils popping out of the ground in my backyard! We still need the “onion snow” to finish off the season but hurry spring!!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
First Attempt
Why a blog? I enjoy viewing blogs of fellow card makers and decided to try it if for no other reason to bug my children and friends.
I have a box of 100 plus cards I have made. The first card I am sharing with you was randomly chosen.
I have a box of 100 plus cards I have made. The first card I am sharing with you was randomly chosen.
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